I've done several things already to prepare for the Nclex, but the real work begins now. Starting Sunday, January 15th I will begin the 3 week archer review study plan. For 3 weeks straight I'll be reviewing material, doing practice questions, and taking mock CAT exams. I chose Archer review because the girlies in the facebook groups say it's the closest to NCLEX. Even more so than uworld and it helps that its so much cheaper. I feel ready for the NCLEX, but I want to go in feeling confident that I did everything in my power to be prepared. Annnnddd now, the journey to RN begins. ![]()
Wow! What an experience. I did it. December 12, 2022 I celebrated my pinning ceremony. I had the honor of serving as a marshall. I carried the generic full time banner and I got to sit front and center. I will always remember this moment. It's actually surreal to be sitting here writing this. This time last year I was just grateful to finally be done with my first semester. I cannot believe I did it.
Testimony time! 11 weeks left to go until I graduate. I'm going to testify with videos lol Bless Me by Maverick City and Kirk Franklin Blessings for me and my fellow students and colleagues, family, and friends. I'll find you by Lecrae ft. Tori Kelly Keep fighting. Don't you dare give up! It's Working by William Murphy It's our season, our time. What's for us is for us, and we will not be denied! Don't Understand by Rare of Breed God's got you. He's been working behind the scenes setting things in order for you. Give it all to him. We carry these heavy burdens, but God can trade that heavy burden for his which is easy and light! 10K, Armies, and Let it reign by KB These are for vibing. Make sure that bass is all the way up.
I had the privilege of completing my last first week of nursing school. All I can say is by time you hit your last semester it's pretty much smooth sailing. All the concepts you have learned before come together full circle. Retaining the info becomes easier. You know exactly what to read and what to skip. All the tricks, tips, hacks are used.
My tips Pre Req Student: don't fake it til you make it. Really pay attention during A&P. It will save you so much time and energy when you get into the nursing program. 1st Semester Nursing Student: Keep the excitement alive. Do not let the joy escape too quickly. The more excited you become and the more excited you stay the better off you will be. 2nd Semester Nursing Student: Listen, you survived pharm. That means you can do literally anything! Get rest! Lot's of rest, and stay on top of your reading. 3rd Semester Nursing Student: You are almost at the finish line. All gas no brake. The specialties are fun. Enjoy them! 4th Semester Nursing Student: Won't he do it! Kill it during Advanced Med Surg and prepare for the last leg of the journey. RISE people. When all seems lost, when hope is low, and adversity seems high choose to RISE. I am done with my third semester, and I am so excited to recharge for the next three weeks and then win win win all of my fourth and final semester.
RECAP of summer semester PEDS: crap show! The school must have been overwhelmed because they weren't doing shiggidy. I doubt anyone was able to go to clinical. I got a 66 on my first exam, 92 on my second exam, 94 on the final, and a level 3 on my ATI. I ended with a B in the class Mental Health: better, much better. For the first time in my nursing school experience the teacher actually taught. I learned because she taught not because I read 50 million pages. I ended this class with an A. OB: The best. Before this class I was struggling between wanting to be in ER vs OB. I am now 100% convinced that I was meant to be a labor and delivery nurse. Tomlinson is literally the best, and I hope you get to experience class with her. I ended with an A in this class as well. Community Health: why in the H -E - Double -Hockey - Sticks would they make us do so much work for a 1 credit pass/fail class. I don't understand. I will never understand. And if given the opportunity I will run an entire campaign to get this class redone so none of the busy work is required. Ya'll play too much. Anyways, we outside for 3 whole weeks! Outside. Acting up. Max boogie status. By outside I mean inside watching Netflix. By acting up I mean making Tik Tok videos. By max boogie status I mean wearing my favorite Minnie mouse pajamas all day for no reason. xoxo, T I really, truly, honestly do not know what the hell is going on. I failed my 3rd pharmacology exam by 1 point and my 3rd med surg exam by 3 points. This is embarrassing and frustrating and just uggggghhhhh! Is there more I could have done? Yes. But I did not struggle like this last semester. I did my thing and I passed the exam.
Last semester my struggle was I wasn't scoring high enough on my exams to get an A in fundamentals. This semester the struggle is just to to pass. How in the world did I go from 90's on exam 1 and the midterm in med surg to 80's and now failing on exams 2 and 3. Tears! Real, actual, literal tears. The worst part is listening to my classmates wine about getting a B. Tuh! Some of us out here are STRUH GU LANG! Listen, you can't keep me down. I can and I will survive this. Two finals and two proctored ATI exams and I will be done with this crap semester. Upwards and onwards to the specialties. xoxo, T Sooooo, tell me how 2nd semester started off cool, calm and collected and then morphed into the ugliness I now find myself in. I'm doing really well in Med Surg but I kinda bombed the ATI practice A. I got a level 1 , but I'm really close to a level 2. Fortunately, the school's cut scores are kinder than ATI's. I'm less than 4 points away from a level 2. Pharm is a whole other story. I got an 80 on the first exam, 84 on the second exam, and a 76 (tears of shame) on the third exam. I need a minimum of a 72 on the final to pass the class. I would also like to raise my score so I can at least get to level 2 which is 10 points away at the moment.
I have put together a pretty rigorous study schedule, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Ya heard me?! Anyways, 2nd semester is almost done, and I am looking forward to third semester and the specialties. So exciting! xoxo, T I was so worried. The test actually snuck up on me. I didn't realize how late I was to the party. I started studying Saturday for my test on Thursday.
Saturday: I literally studied all day from 10 am until about 6 pm Sunday: I studied from 7 pm - 9 pm Monday: I studied from 8 pm - 11 pm Tuesday: I studied 8 pm - 10 pm Wednesday was the marathon. I studied from 8 am until 11:30 am. Went to skills class from 1 pm - 6 pm. Came back home put Hope to bed and studied from 9 pm - 4:40 am. Woke up at 6 am and arrived to campus at 8 am to take the exam. Guess what fam? Your girl got an 86, and after item analysis I ended up with a 90! Whoop whoop! That's right! I said a 90! God is good! All glory to Him. He gave me the strength to stay awake, and actually retain what I studied. I'ma be a nurse, and that's on Mary had a little lamb! xoxo, T How are ya'll out here giving me life already? I met a few students today on campus and my heart is so happy. I had my first class of second semester and things are looking bright ya'll.
FYI, if you survive the first semester there is hope. Second semester skills is a breeze compared to first semester, and they have you feelin like the real deal from the first day. I can't wait for clinical. I'ma be hanging IV bags like a boss! Amazon is life so I'm going to link everything here that I bought for nursing school
Nursing School Amazon List www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3J0Y5A7B4LVNN/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2?_encoding=UTF8&type=wishlist Happy Spending <3 |
T. BaileyI am Jamerican, proud mom to the cutest little nugget, and I am a nursing student. I started a Youtube Channel to document life and this blog is my channel's compliment. Simply put Youtube is my LECTURE and this website is the LAB. Archives
January 2023
These resources are specific to my school and my cohort. Your school or cohort may have different syllabi, content, books, etc. My content and videos are for entertainment purposes only. The best part about nursing is it's EVIDENCE BASED, therefore, information and practice standards are ever changing and improving. Please follow your school and facility standards along with your states Nurse Practice Acts. Tamara/RealTamaraB is not liable and/or responsible for any advice, products, services you obtain through this website or because of my recommendation. My opinions and the views expressed on this website and in my videos do not represent the views of my school or my employer.